Youth age 8 – 17

What do we offer children of this age group?

* Horse riding

We strive to teach a child in a playful way how to handle the horse. Having fun with each other and the horse the highest priority at Hingarden. You don’t have to be the best, you are enough the way you are. The fact that horse riding can make a positive contribution to the development of a child is a bonus.

At first glance, horse riding may seem like just a fun activity, but there are so many more benefits and learning opportunities.

1. Physical and mental health and fitness
Physical activity is critical for optimal child development and horse riding offers a unique, challenging and fun way of moving in the great outdoors with friends. All muscle groups are activated by the movement of the horse, and you develop strength, endurance and better coordination.
The bond that develops between horse and child can also have tremendous psychological benefits that help reduce anxiety and increase emotional resilience.

2. Life experiences
The best way to learn important life lessons is through experience.
Falling off the horse and getting back on again takes persistence, learning to deal with your fear and developing empathy for the horse. Hard work brings success and rewards. These are valuable life lessons that will serve the child well in their future.

3. Improved social skills
Horseback riding is not only about the bond that develops between horse and child, but also about the social interaction that comes with joining a club.
It provides the opportunity to meet and interact with others from different walks of life outside of school and their usual social circle, allowing them to form friendships based on mutual love and understanding of horses.

4. Confidence and self-esteem
The ability to command and control a large horse can give a child a lot of confidence. Every little success, the praise they receive for achievements, and the experience itself can be incredibly rewarding.
Riding can instil a lifelong passion for horses, from simply being in close contact with the animals to grooming and learning about the care the horse needs.

5. Responsibility
Riding and caring for a horse involves a lot of responsibility.
This sense of responsibility is often learned unconsciously, because the child wants to provide for the basic needs of the horse, such as feeding, grooming and cleaning. The child wants to learn to pay attention to the behaviour and health of the horse. This teaches children to put the needs of the horse and thus others before themselves and develops compassion and empathy.

At first glance, horse riding just seems like a fun activity, but there are so many more benefits and learning opportunities.

Click here for the horse riding prices